There Can Be No Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness Without Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Food
To act on the curative instruction provided within the 1776 Declaration of Independence to correct the administration of our U.S. government without overthrowing it, and ultimately to institute an improved government to ensure our future freedom, prosperity, security, and happiness.
We are grateful that our Founding Fathers had the foresight to recognize that tyranny could find a foothold in the future in their newly formed United States of America. Our goal as the Living Keepers of America’s democracy is to now re-adopt the modernized 2022 Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policies which harmonize with it. Knowing that if we do this, we shall not only have saved America, but we shall have saved it, as to make it, and keep it, forever worthy of the saving. Believing that we shall witness America’s new birth of freedom and by our actions ensure that the government Of The People, By The People, For The People shall never perish from the earth.
That the 2022 Declaration of Independence and its beautiful, universal message of freedom, autonomy, and divine sovereignty, with its cure for the ills of tyranny, will burn into the hearts and minds of all Americans and freedom loving people across the earth, banishing all rogue politics that seek to demoralize us, tread on us, and pit us against each other; to liberate Us, leading to great change and improvement within our U.S. Government, securing our liberty and peace, and setting into motion a new day, lifting all spirits at the resurrection of America, increasing our wealth and happiness, strengthening our borders, cleaning our air, waters and lands, improving our environment and health, making friends out of strangers, delighting in our uniqueness, encouraging every human being to rise to the heights of their own aspirations. And that the fire of our freedom and victory shall spread beyond our American borders to ignite liberation, prosperity, sovereignty and joy all over the world.
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